Kara Sevda (translated as Endless Love) is a Turkish romantic drama television series that aired from 2015 to 2017. It was created by Kerem Çatay and directed by Hilal Saral. The series follows the intense and tragic love story between Kemal, a poor young man from a small town, and Nihan, a woman from a wealthy family. Their love becomes complicated when Nihan is forced to marry a rich businessman, Emir, who harbors a dark obsession with her.
The plot delves into themes of passion, betrayal, revenge, and class differences. The couple’s love story is marked by numerous obstacles, including social pressure, family secrets, and personal sacrifices. The series is known for its gripping storyline, emotional depth, and strong performances by the lead actors Burak Özçivit (Kemal), Neslihan Atagül (Nihan), and Kaan Urgancıoğlu (Emir).
“Kara Sevda” received critical acclaim and became a massive hit, not only in Turkey but also internationally, particularly in countries across the Middle East, the Balkans, and Latin America. It won several awards, including Best Drama Series at the International Emmy Awards in 2017.
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